These 3 super foods for teenagers are all about great skin, long-lasting energy and supporting healthy growing bodies. Keep reading to see why these foods are so super…

Spinach & dark leafy greens
Spinach and leafy greens have a high magnesium and potassium content as well as folate and iron. These minerals are important for building strong bodies particularly when those bodies are growing rapidly.
Spinach has a huge amount of nutrients and has been shown to prevent cancer, and promote cardiovascular and eye health with lutein, zeaxanthin and the caroteinoids it contains playing an important role in preventing macular degeneration of the eye.
Pumpkin, Butternut, Kumara
These super foods contain a rich supply of carotenoids, beta carotene and alpha carotene which is great for teenage skin. It is also a healthy carbohydrate which will give your teenagers long lasting energy. The anti-oxidants will help guard against toxins too.
These powerful phytonutrients help modulate our immune response protect us from free radical damage, and reduce the risk of:
- Arthritis oseto. and rheumatoid
- Asthma,
- Cancer, including lung, breast, prostate, skin, bladder and colon cancers
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
Aside from the carotenoids contained in pumpkin its other health-giving properties include – Fibre content, Vitamin C, Potassium folate, Vitamin B1 and niacin, Omega 3 fatty acids (in pumpkin seeds). All of which serve to keep us in great condition.
Avocado is a healthy fat which will keep teenagers full for longer. It is easy for them to prepare themselves and full of vitamin E, great for healthy skin and hormone production. You can even apply it as a face mask.
Avocados are high in fibre, Vitamin E, lutein, and potassium which are important to cardiovascular health. They provide a good balance of omega 6, omega 9 and chlorophyll that help prevent inflammation, support gut health and detoxification. They have uniquely moisturizing properties for the skin when taken internally and applied topically.